Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Shoulder Stand

"Salamba Sarvangasana"

Before attempting shoulder stand, lie on your back and breathe in and out, tightening all the muscles.

- Place the hands on the hips, just below the waist.
- Bring the hips and legs up to vertical position, making the spine and legs perpendicular to the ground (90 degrees)
- Then raise the entire torso up to 90 degrees, making the body forma straight line from shoulder to toes.
- Breathe deeply

Make sure the elbows are not too far apart.
Make sure your weight is supported by the shoulders, NOT THE NECK.

Effects of the posture: This posture is especially good for women. It releases pressure on all of the organs and stimulates the thyroid gland. Every woman should do this posture for 5 to 7 minutes a day.

Cautions: One should not perform inverted postures during menstruation. Inversions performed during menstruation arrest the menstrual flow. They dry up the uterus and can lead towards complications like cysts and fibroids if practised during menstruation. On the other hand, inversions can control menstrual bleeding when it exceeds its normal duration or if it occurs in between. They check the flow and strengthen the uterine system. They dry up the area faster than any other Asana.
One should immediately commence the practice of inversions after completion of menstruation since it is the time for re-establishment of hormonal balance. Such a practice will prevent diseases like endometriosis, leucorrhea and also miscarriages. They help in maintaining the health of the reproductive organs.

Pregnancy is an opposite state of menstruation as the fetus has to be retained. Inverted postures should be performed in the first three months when there is a chance of miscarriage especially for those who are prone to miscarriages and abortions. One can continue practising them up to the end of pregnancy. Their regular practice strengthens the spine, improves blood circulation, checks water retention, prevents infection, maintains hormonal balance, lubricates the reproductive passage, checks blood pressure, maintains emotional and mental balance.


Kalena said...

i love this one. i wasn't aware of all of the benefits, nor how frequently i should be doing it but it makes sense.

i'm still working on a related pose that involves bringing my feet down to the floor (like folding myself in half). i always panic halfway there like i'm gonna break my neck or something.

admin said...

You are too funny! You will absolutely not break your neck. Just breathe (the most important aspect of practice) and keep coming back to the posture. In no time you will be asking yourself, "Whose body is this??!!"